PUMA is dedicated to empower young women and following their international #DoYou campaign, we really wanted to add value to their lives. Based on a large-scale survey amongst the target audience, the PUMA Academy platform was created.
The aim of PUMA Academy is to take the development and empowerment of young women (18-24 y.o.) to the next level by addressing topics that are not really teached during traditional education. Each edition focuses on a different theme, from mental growth to finance, in line with the specific needs of the target group and offers multiple interactive masterclasses by experts. Over the years, PUMA Academy was made accessible to all youngsters, regardless of gender identification. The fourth live-event edition of PUMA Academy was held in May 2023 and was rated a 9 by all participants.
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1053 AK, Amsterdam
The Netherlands
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Tel: +31 (0)20 22 38 568
Email: hello@kultandace.com